Does BJJ Cause Hair Loss? πŸ₯‹πŸ‘΄(And How To Prevent Hair Loss)

Does BJJ Cause Hair Loss

If you look up famous BJJ black belts, you will notice that many of them have receding hairlines and some of them are completely bald. This may make you wonder whether BJJ causes baldness. Alternatively, you may have recently adopted BJJ and noticed that around the same time, you started losing hair.

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Do MMA Fighters Wear Underwear? 🩲πŸ₯Š (3 Best Types Of Protective Gear)

Do MMA fighters wear underwear

If you have watched combat sports of any kind, you will notice that the athletes are quite exposed. Often, you can see them wearing nothing but shorts but do you find yourself asking – do MMA fighters wear underwear?

MMA fighters wear underwear beneath their shorts alongside a jockstrap or a protective cup. The shorts are of compression variety and serve as protection against exposure and errant kicks. Fighting without such protective gear is considered a risk.

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Is Powerlifting Good for MMA? πŸ‹οΈ(Top 3 Benefits For Combat Athletes)

Is Powerlifting Good for MMA

For a long time, the traditional wisdom seemed to dictate that the fighter with the most strength wins. It is possible for an MMA fighter to wonder whether he or she can get an advantage in the octagon by relying on powerlifting.

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Do BJJ Belts Shrink? πŸ₯‹(Ultimate Guide To Gi-Care 2021)

Do BJJ Belts Shrink In The Wash

Belts in BJJ hold a twofold value. Not only does it help hold together one’s gi but also display rank within the sport’s progression. It is, therefore, possible for a practitioner to rely on a single belt to use with different gis. Because of this, it is reasonable to be careful about the wear and tear on one’s BJJ belt.

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Is Yoga Good for BJJ? 🧘πŸ₯‹(5 Best Postures To Improve Your Game)

Is Yoga good for BJJ

At the intersection of the new age movement and the fitness craze, yoga has found a unique place where those interested in relaxation and the serious athletes looking to take care of their bodies are equally interested in what is an exercise as much as it is an art form. Many practitioners of Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), for instance, do yoga regularly. However, is yoga good for BJJ?

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7 Best Training Gym Bags For MMA πŸŽ’πŸ₯Š (2021 Edition!)

best training gym bags for mma

Whether you’re looking for a training gym bag for MMA, BJJ, Muay Thai, or Boxing, there are key features you to make your life easier. There’s nothing worse than stuffing a bag full and rummaging around for your mouth guard, a pair of clean socks, or your all-important jockstrap – ladies we have you covered too.

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4 Best Jockstraps For Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu In 2021 πŸ₯‹

best jockstraps for brazilian jiu jitsu

So you’ve taped your hands and made sure your body is limber and warm from your MMA and BJJ stretches, but do you have the one thing that may prevent you from actual man tears today? Every man (and even woman) will know the day they realized they need a cup for MMA or Jiu-Jitsu.

You either saw someone else learn the lesson or, unfortunately, had to go through it first hand. Whilst you may get away in training without a head guard or MMA shoes – although we wouldn’t advise it – you really can’t get away without using the best jockstraps for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or Mixed Martial Arts.

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4 Best Mouthguards For MMA 2021🦷πŸ₯Š (Buyers Guide + Reviewβœ”οΈ)

Mouthguard for MMA

In combat sports, your mouthguard is one of the most important pieces of equipment you will use. It protects your teeth, jaw, and gums from damage if you fall or are punched while sparring. The right mouthguard could potentially save you thousands of dollars worth of dental work!

If you want to find a product that will help you stay in top shape without risking your dental health, then read through this post and discover what makes these 4 products stand out from the rest!

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