How To Train For Your First Tough Mudder 🏃‍♂️🏃🏽‍♀️🎽🏅

how to train for your first tough mudder

Obstacle course races (OCRs) are sweeping the globe in popularity. Challenges like 20’ high cargo net climbs, 40lbs log carries, crawling through cold and sticky mud, and of course, running, test every aspect of an athlete’s fitness level.  

How To Improve Your Running Economy in 2021 (+Sample Workout) 🏃🏃📈

Sprinting to improve running economy

This article is evidence-based, verified by Blake Conner, Certified Strength, and Conditioning Specialist.

Cardiovascular activity is a staple in many activities, sports, and careers. Some of which may require it, and with others, it may be highly recommended. You may be interested in getting started with such activities, so we’ll cover a concept that will allow you to improve. Specifically, this article is going to be focused on how to improve your running economy for military and combat sports such as MMA or boxing.  

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5k Training Plans – How Strength Training Boosts Endurance 🏃🏋️‍♂️🚴‍♂️

Running with red pants and black bra

For modern professionals, 5k runs have become a very convenient and fun way to feel fit. If you’re a beginner, 5K runs are excellent and can effectively improve your VO2max. Moreover, they also play a crucial role in improving running form and efficiency.

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